What Are The Eligibility Criteria For Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300

Prospective Marriage vIsa

Are you and your partner looking to start your married life together in Australia? The Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 might be just what you need to make this dream a reality. This visa allows your partner to come to Australia, get married within nine months, and then apply for permanent residency. But what exactly are the eligibility criteria for the Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300? Let’s dive into the details.


Genuine Relationship Requirement


The cornerstone of the Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 is proving that your relationship is genuine and continuing. Immigration authorities want to ensure that the relationship is not just for visa purposes. Here’s what you need to show:

Evidence of Relationship: This can include photos together, travel itineraries, communication logs (like emails, chat history, and call records), and social media interactions.
Statements from Friends and Family: Gather statements from people who know you as a couple. These should describe their knowledge of your relationship and their belief in its genuineness.
Financial Interdependence: Show evidence of shared financial responsibilities, such as joint bank accounts, shared bills, or a rental lease in both names.


Age Requirement


Both you and your partner must be at least 18 years old at the time of the visa application. This is a straightforward requirement but an essential one. If either party is under 18, the application will be automatically ineligible.


Health and Character Checks


To protect the health and safety of the Australian community, visa applicants must meet certain health and character requirements:


Health Examinations: Your partner will need to undergo a medical examination by a panel-approved doctor. This is to ensure they don’t have any health conditions that could pose a public health risk or incur significant healthcare costs.
Character Requirements: Your partner must provide police clearance certificates from every country they have lived in for 12 months or more over the past 10 years since turning 16. This helps ensure they have no serious criminal record.


Intention to Marry


A crucial criterion for the Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 is demonstrating a genuine intention to marry your partner within the visa’s nine-month validity period. To satisfy this requirement, you will need:


Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM): This form, which you can obtain from an authorized celebrant, must be signed and submitted as part of your application. It officially states your intention to marry and includes details of the proposed wedding date and location.
Wedding Plans: While you don’t need to have every detail planned out, providing evidence of any arrangements you’ve made (such as booking a venue or hiring a celebrant) can strengthen your application.


Sponsorship Requirement

The Australian partner must agree to sponsor their overseas partner. This means:
Commitment to Sponsor: The Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen must sign an agreement to sponsor their partner. This includes providing financial and emotional support during their stay.
No Recent Sponsorship: If the sponsor has previously sponsored another partner on a similar visa, there are restrictions on sponsoring again. Generally, you can only sponsor two partners in your lifetime, with a minimum five-year gap between sponsorships.


Meeting the Visa Application Requirements


Finally, there are some practical aspects to ensure your application is complete and accurate:


Application Form: Fill out the visa application form correctly and thoroughly. Any mistakes or omissions can delay the process or lead to rejection.
Application Fee: Be prepared to pay the visa application fee, which is non-refundable and can be substantial.
Supporting Documents: Make sure all supporting documents are up-to-date, certified, and translated into English if necessary. These include identity documents, relationship evidence, health and character certificates, and the NOIM.


So, applying for the Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 is a detailed process, but understanding the eligibility criteria can help you prepare effectively. By proving the genuineness of your relationship, meeting health and character requirements, demonstrating a clear intention to marry, and fulfilling sponsorship obligations, you can increase your chances of a successful application. Here’s to starting your new life together in beautiful Australia!


Navigating the complexities of visa applications can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach World Immigration Consultancy Service (RWICS) in Perth is here to help. As one of the best immigration consultants in Perth, our expert team is dedicated to assisting you with every step of the visa process. With our personalized service and in-depth knowledge, we ensure your application is thorough, accurate, and compelling.



Let RWICS make your dream of starting a life in Australia a reality. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in securing your Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 and guide you towards a seamless transition into your new life down under. Your journey to Australia begins with us!

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