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How to Become an Australian Citizen?

How to Become an Australian Citizen?
Australia country union jack flag

If you’re living in Australia as an expat and have fallen in love with the land Down Under, you might be contemplating the idea of becoming an Australian citizen. Besides the pride of being officially recognized as a citizen, there are numerous benefits to obtaining Australian citizenship. Whether you’ve already decided to take the plunge or are simply exploring the possibility, we’re here to guide you through the process of becoming an Australian citizen in easy-to-understand steps.

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility

Before you begin the journey towards Australian citizenship, it’s essential to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria set by the Australian Government. To apply for citizenship, you must:

  • Be a migrant with permanent resident status.
  • Satisfy the residence requirement, which involves living in Australia for a specified period.
  • Demonstrate your intention to reside in Australia or maintain a close association with the country.
  • Possess good character if you’re 18 years of age or older.

Step 2: Meet Residency Requirements

To become an Australian citizen, you need to meet residency requirements. This means that you should have lived in Australia for at least the past four years and held permanent resident status for the 12 months preceding your application. You can use the residency requirements calculator to determine if you meet these criteria.

Step 3: Prepare for the Citizenship Test

Part of the citizenship application process involves taking a citizenship test. To prepare for this test, you’ll want to study the resource titled “Australian Citizenship – Our Common Bond.” It contains essential information you’ll need to pass the test successfully.

Step 4: Gather the Required Identification

You’ll need to provide proper identification as part of your citizenship application. This includes proving your identity, establishing links in each of your names, demonstrating that you haven’t had any serious criminal convictions, and applying for variations to resident requirements or fees. You can find a list of the necessary documents on the official Australian Government website.

Step 5: Complete the Application

Once you have all your documents in order and meet the eligibility criteria, you can complete the citizenship application. The application form is available online and should be filled out accurately with the required details.

Step 6: Pay the Application Fee

To process your application, you’ll need to pay an application fee as specified by the Australian Government. Ensure that you make the payment as part of your application submission.

Step 7: Attend Your Citizenship Appointment

Your citizenship appointment is a crucial step in the process. During this appointment, your original documents will be reviewed, and your identity will be verified. You’ll also either take a citizenship test or participate in an interview. Be prepared, as these appointments can last up to two hours.

Step 8: Take the Test or Interview

Depending on your situation, you’ll either take a citizenship test or go through an interview as part of your appointment. This step assesses your knowledge of Australia and your commitment to becoming a citizen.

Step 9: Wait for the Notification

After your appointment, you’ll need to wait for a notification regarding the approval or denial of your citizenship application. This step requires some patience, as processing times may vary.

Step 10: Attend the Citizenship Ceremony

If your application is approved, you’ll be invited to attend a citizenship ceremony. During this meaningful event, you’ll take the Australian citizenship pledge, officially becoming an Australian citizen. It’s a moment worth celebrating!

Keep in mind that while these are the typical steps involved in the process, individual circumstances may lead to variations. It’s essential to stay informed and follow the guidance provided by the Australian Government throughout your journey to Australian citizenship. Whether you’re drawn to the breathtaking landscapes, the rich culture, or the friendly people, becoming an Australian citizen is a significant milestone that opens doors to numerous opportunities and a bright future in this remarkable country.


Becoming an Australian citizen is a big deal, and it involves following ten important steps set by the Australian Government. These steps include things like checking if you’re eligible, living in Australia for a certain period, and passing a citizenship test.

But, here’s the thing the process can be a bit tricky, and it’s different for everyone. That’s where visa consultants like RWICS come in. They’re like your expert guides, helping you through the whole process. They make sure you meet all the requirements and help you with all the steps. With the help of an Immigration consultant in Perth, like RWICS your dream of becoming an Australian citizen, can come true, and you can make Australia your forever home.

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