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Student Visa Consultant Perth: Your Gateway To Australian Education

Are you searching for a student visa consultant Perth Then RWICS immigration consultant is the right destination for you. We can help you with all the necessary information and guidance you need to obtain a student visa. Whether you want to study in Australia or elsewhere, we have the expertise and knowledge to assist you throughout the entire process. With our help, you can easily navigate through the complexities of student dependent visa australia applications and ensure a smooth transition to your desired destination. Connect with RWICS immigration consultant perth today. 

Student Visa Consultant Perth

Student Visas

Subclass 500(student visa) is a temporary visa which allows you to live, work and study in Australia for a maximum of 5 years. On this visa, students can work a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during the study period and unlimited during the term breaks. So Contact with RWICS the  best Student Visa Consultant in Perth. We are here to answer your all queries.

 Subclass 590 is a student guardian visa for a parent of a student who is under 18 years of age. This visa allows the parent to stay as a guardian until student turns 18. Usually only one parent is allowed to accompany the under 18 student to Australia under subclass 590.


Eligibility Criteria


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    Application Cost

    The application fees for the main applicant is $630.

    When you have this visa:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A student visa is a special permission that allows people from other countries to come to Australia and study at a school, college, or university.

    To get a student visa, you need to first apply and get accepted by an Australian educational institution. Then, you apply for the visa and follow the rules set by the government.

    Yes, if you have a student visa, you can work, but there are some limits on how many hours you can work during your studies.

    Usually, your family members can come with you, but they’ll need to apply for their own visas, which are called dependent visas.

    Your stay in Australia depends on the length of your course. The visa allows you to stay for the duration of your studies, and often a bit more for holiday time.

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