10 Things to Know About Employer-Sponsored Visas in Australia

employer sponsored visa

Navigating the world of employer-sponsored visas in Australia can be complex, especially if you’re new to the process. Whether you’re an employer looking to bring in skilled workers or a potential employee seeking opportunities in Perth, understanding the ins and outs of these visas is crucial. Here are ten key things you should know about employer-sponsored visas in Australia, with insights from experienced employer-sponsored visa consultants in Perth.


Types of Employer-Sponsored Visas:


In Australia, several types of employer-sponsored visas cater to different needs. The most common ones are the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482), the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa (subclass 186), and the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa (subclass 187). Each visa has specific criteria and pathways, tailored to either temporary or permanent residency.

Eligibility Criteria:


For an employer-sponsored visa, both the employer and the employee must meet specific criteria. Employers must prove they can’t find a suitable Australian citizen or permanent resident to fill the position and must be approved sponsors. Employees need to have the necessary skills, qualifications, and work experience for the role.


Role of a Consultant:


An employer-sponsored visa consultant in Australia can be invaluable in guiding both employers and employees through the application process. They ensure that all paperwork is correctly completed, deadlines are met, and compliance with immigration laws is maintained. Their experience may significantly improve the probability that a visa application will be approved.


Benefits of Employer-Sponsored Visas:


For employers, these visas are an excellent way to fill skill shortages and bring in talent that might not be available locally. For employees, they offer a pathway to live and work in Australia, often leading to permanent residency. The ability to bring family members along is another significant benefit.


How Can You Transition from a Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482) to Permanent Residency


Costs Involved:

Sponsoring an employee can be costly. Employers must cover nomination fees, Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) levies, and potential relocation costs. Employees might have to pay for their visa application, health assessments, and English language tests. Understanding these costs upfront can help in budgeting and planning.


Processing Times:


Processing times for employer-sponsored visas can vary widely depending on the type of visa and the specific circumstances of the application. Generally, TSS visas are processed faster, often within a few months, while ENS and RSMS visas can take longer. Consulting with an employer-sponsored visa consultant in Perth can help manage expectations and expedite the process.


Compliance and Obligations:


Both employers and employees have ongoing obligations once the visa is granted. Employers must comply with workplace laws, including paying market rates and ensuring working conditions are met. Employees must adhere to visa conditions, including working in the nominated position and not working for another employer without permission.


Pathways to Permanent Residency:


Many employer-sponsored visas offer pathways to permanent residency, a major draw for international workers. For example, after holding a TSS visa for three years, an employee might be eligible to apply for permanent residency through the ENS visa. Consulting with an expert can clarify the best pathways and strategies.


Regional Opportunities:


Perth, being classified as a regional area for visa purposes, offers additional incentives for employer-sponsored visas. The RSMS visa, for instance, encourages workers to settle in regional areas, providing pathways to permanent residency with potentially fewer barriers compared to metropolitan areas.


Changes and Updates:


Immigration policies and visa regulations can change frequently. Staying updated with the latest changes is crucial for both employers and employees. An employer-sponsored visa consultant in Perth stays abreast of these changes and can provide timely advice and adjustments to applications or strategies.


So, navigating employer-sponsored visas in Perth can be complex, but understanding these ten key points can significantly ease the process. Whether you’re an employer aiming to fill skill gaps or an employee seeking new opportunities, knowing the types of visas, eligibility criteria, costs, and pathways to permanent residency is essential. Regular updates in immigration policies also highlight the importance of staying informed.



For both employers and employees, the assistance of a knowledgeable employer-sponsored visa consultant can be invaluable. Consultants ensure that applications are correctly completed, deadlines are met, and all legal requirements are adhered to. Their expertise can make the difference between a successful application and a prolonged, frustrating process.


Therefore, for personalized assistance and expert advice, connect with Reach World Immigration Consultancy Services (RWICS). As one of the best immigration consultants in Perth, RWICS has an expert team ready to assist you with all your visa service needs. Let RWICS help make your dream of living and working in Australia come true. With our professional guidance and support, you can navigate the complexities of employer-sponsored visas with confidence and ease.

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